Thursday, July 23, 2009

Mythago Wood sequel

I am pleased that Robert Holdstock's new novel Avilion is now available, from Gollancz. Twenty-plus years ago Mr Holdstock wrote the novella "Mythago Wood", which was soon expanded into the novel of the same name.

The wood is in Kent that, from the outside, seems more like a copse. But it is a magical place that is home to magical beings: mythagoes. Between then and Avilion Holdstock wrote and published other books using the same tropes -- but this new novel is the direct sequel. I haven't had a chance to read it yet, but I am delighted that Robert, whom I count as a friend (and fellow ex-immunologist), has a new book out. It's sure to be a gem.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sad that Robert Holdstock has passed away.