Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Alleyman by Pat Kelleher

Coming next month from Abaddon: No Man’s World – The Alleyman by Pat Kelleher (£7.99).

“It’s been four months since the Pennine Fusiliers vanished from the Somme and found themselves stranded on an alien world. The Tommies have been surviving on this bizarre planet, populated by lethal foliage and hostile human-like insects, while desperately trying to find a way back to Blighty.

In The Alleyman, while Lieutenant Everson tries to discover the true intentions of their alien prisoner, Lance Corporal Atkins and his Black Hand Gang are on the trail of Jeffries, the diabolist responsible for their predicament. And above it all, Lieutenant Tulliver of the Royal Flying Corps soars free of the confines of alien gravity, where the true scale of the planet’s mystery is revealed. To uncover the truth, however, he must join forces with an unexpected ally.”

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